Well the clothes came off slowly like a bit of a strip tease but they were never naked. I loved drawing the brunette and here she is in an exotic costume reminiscent of 'the dance of the seven veils'. The poses were short : 10 min max and it was frantic trying to do colour but oh! How to resist when the costumes were so colourful and over the top. Brunette also did a show where she emerged in a fringed bikini and a cowboy hat. At the end she took off her bikini top but hid her boobs with the hat. The blonde was much harder to draw because of her wig and smile. Here is an attempt where I ignored her face.
Everyone had a good time and we'd do it again. If there was one criticism it is the mood lighting. Very hard to make out what tones and shadows : the models really needed to be in spotlights.