Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Opening night

Our much anticipated opening night was on a rainy Wed- not a good combo for attendance. In the end probably 40 people turned up - mostly my friends. Francesco's mum's rissoles were a hit but way over catered with the result we had leftovers. Nevertheless it was lovely to see friends and I sold 8 paintings that night. Some record!

We were very busy. My sister says that I need to charge more but I think I just want to get these works off my walls so that I can paint more! Todd said that he had never had a more successful exhibition in his time here.

Hanging Day

Finally the time has rolled round to hang the paintings at Bondi Pavilion. Packed the car with paintings and begun what I knew would be an arduous day. Luckily Francesco and David are tall and strong. As I am no use except to give an opinion as to where something should hang and how. Eventually after 5 hours, it was done and Frank proceeded to ring his contact Robyn at the Wentworth Courier.

Prior experience in getting free publicity has not been successful. My experience is persistence is key. Frank has done marvellously to get a journalist to print a small notice and then to attend. So here we were, hot sweaty and dusty and Robyn wants to photograph us. After which Frank managed to sell her a painting so well done team, got a red dot before opening night!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Last painting for the exhibition

The exhibition date looms large and I thought I was done but a friend bought an artwork so decided to paint a replacement. My sister thought I was mad to even contemplate sales this close and has said I need an agent but alas she lives in Scotland which makes it impossible.

Anyway I got busy and here is the result - Wylies bath again but from
a different angle. I love the effect of the water - so inviting on a lovely day.