Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Large format at last!

This week's focus was on large format and ink (hallelujah!) something I've wanted to learn a long time. Susie brought a2 paper and distributed it around. We were given an ink pot and a bamboo stick to draw with. After drawing, a brush was applied to give it some shading.

I just love the effect! And then I tried putting a wash of colour in first, letting it dry before inking them.

It looks a treat and so quick!

An English scene done the same way. Perhaps best in a smaller format. Or more subtle colouring? Need to work on mixing large batches of colour. This is our last week this term. I'll be back for more next term!

Friday, March 20, 2015


The technique of painting first then drawing was put to use with a venetian scene. Reader would know how bitterly I complain about painting realistic buildings. The trick it seems is to paint naively. It's an impression not an architectural drawing!

There was a lot of wet paint dribbling on this sheet. It was fun in a watercolour fun way. I then painted the lines in with acrylic paint. Never mind that everything's crooked.

And here is a painting of the path to our accommodation in Harden. We stayed at a beautiful place some miles out of the homestead. I must be inspired... these were all created on a weekend. Normally out swimming or socialising.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This week we painted Susie's favourite subject - flowers. The idea is to let the watercolour be beautiful- spraying it and letting the colours run into each other. Then outlining the shapes before the paints could dry.

The gold pen looks remarkable in these paintings. The mantra is to 'not care'. As it happens I'm very good at not caring!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Class 3

The subject today was birds. I've often baulked at the thought of painting animals but somehow birds are okay. Especially roosters and hens.

Following this we were encouraged to paint a bird perched on a cup. Obviously large birds can't be perched on a cup. To my surprise Jennifer used my bird for her website.

After that I found some sketches done by John Haycraft and decided to paint the subject in watercolour.

It's actually easier because John had already simplified the subject for me. All the tones are there - he draws magnificently.