Well, I've doubled my output since a week ago with these aerial reef paintings. The colours are as true as I can get and yes, they are incredible. But what I really like is the new Liquitex ceramic stucco medium that Carla introduced. It has the consistency of cement but what an effect! Just the perfect piece for reefs, rocks, mountains.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Incredible Lord Howe reefs
Regular readers would know that I'm attempting to paint Lord Howe island for a joint exhibition with Coralie my friend. Coralie has demanded at least 6 paintings and I'm dragging the chain as I've only done two.
Well, I've doubled my output since a week ago with these aerial reef paintings. The colours are as true as I can get and yes, they are incredible. But what I really like is the new Liquitex ceramic stucco medium that Carla introduced. It has the consistency of cement but what an effect! Just the perfect piece for reefs, rocks, mountains.
Well, I've doubled my output since a week ago with these aerial reef paintings. The colours are as true as I can get and yes, they are incredible. But what I really like is the new Liquitex ceramic stucco medium that Carla introduced. It has the consistency of cement but what an effect! Just the perfect piece for reefs, rocks, mountains.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Reef beach near Fairlight
Sydney can be so stunning in winter - the sun shines and it's just the right temperature for walking. We went for a walk from Balgowlah to Manly a few weeks ago and it was glorious.
At Reef Beach, we stopped to admire the view and the sparkle of the water. This painting is an excuse to use gel medium for a beachscape.
At Reef Beach, we stopped to admire the view and the sparkle of the water. This painting is an excuse to use gel medium for a beachscape.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Rework of mangroves at Cook River
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