Above: sketch of husband relaxing The instructions to get here were fairly detailed and involved locating a row boat on the banks of Patonga, ensuring the plug was on (handy reminder thanks Anthony!) before taking off. It didn't help that we've so much stuff. To launch the boat, wade through and hop on, all the time mindful that sudden moves may tip the boat.
The view at the house made up for the inconvenience. It was also quiet and whilst the composting loo and outdoor shower with spiders took a little getting used to, we had a great time. I did some sketches which then encouraged me to paint.
This painting was done in the lounge room, looking out at the big rock near the jetty.
I also wish to point out the trials we had to get my painting stuff over and back. The boat was ankle deep with water, it having rained two nights in a row and just imagine holding toolbox, shopping bag and an a2 canvas pad so that they don't get wet. Plus avoiding oar splash and swatting marsh flies... you get the picture.
Location:Bay St,Patonga,Australia