Wednesday, April 2, 2014


After much pestering of the Wentworth Courier by Frank, the journalist did run a feature of us. Here it is in all it's glory.

I'm pleased with the publicity. Hopefully this will translate into more visitors and sales. Minding the gallery is both a chore and a delight. One has to be present 10-5 and have to covered off if going to the loo or getting a coffee. However some interesting people visit - there's lots of opportunities for chats. One bloke came every time I was on duty. Another came with a baby in sling, a dog under his arm and a coffee in the other hand. A woman paid me the highest compliment by asking if she could learn how to paint under my tutorage. You quickly work out which paintings have fans and why. I'm not sure I can be retail assistant for long - probably lose the plot after a week!