Saturday, August 22, 2015

Venetian roofscape

Last year we were in Europe on vacation. And Italy being my favourite place, we were in Venice.

Our hotel was very close to San Marco but in a quieter part of the sestieri. Our rooms had this gorgeous view of rooftops. But my favourite time to admire this was at dusk when the whole place glowed with a soft golden light. Even now when I think of this view I get a warm feeling - how lucky for those who can feast their eyes everyday.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Life drawing in colour

This term I have not enrolled in an art class as the swim season looms and I'm race secretary. I know I'm going to be very busy. But when my friend Fiona asked if I'd go for a casual class, I was quite excited. Firstly because I do like figure drawing and secondly because Fi, who badly needs me-time, is able to go.

We did the usual warm up exercises and then we had an hour long pose. This is really unusual because models usually can't stay still that long. I took the opportunity to do an ink drawing.

We had more time - I then got ambitious and started an acrylic and ink combination- nearly didn't finish it. The pose from this angle was severely fore shortened which made composition difficult. But I'm pleased with the results. Best of all, Fi had a good day and plans to return next week.