Monday, January 13, 2014

Residential art school at Bathurst

With some apprehension, I set off to Bathurst for the week long art residential program. Not wanting to drive up here I opted for the train which left at an inconveniently early hour and then had to rationalise my clothes plus art material. It took me ages to decide what to bring and what I could do without.

The journey and its attendant adventures are best left out of this blog. Suffice to say I arrived at the CSU on a stinking hot day and found diggings very like the ones I left behind about 25 years ago.
Today I attended Helen Cottle's acrylic painting course. Helen is from Victoria and a blonde petite woman who looks younger than she is; which I gather is about 50 - she became a grandmother recently. There is a demo and most of the class opted to copy her picture.

I was tempted but decided that I'd better get cracking on my diptych. This is of the view from Tiverton Rd at Gerry and Brad's farm in Harden. I had started it in Sydney but didn't get the time and undivided attention to get any further.

Helen is a good instructor - this is evident from
the number of students who are repeating her course. Her groupies speak highly of her. The art residential has 250 students; mainly females and aged over 40. I guess it's hard to find anyone who can afford the tuition plus accommodation and time out. I'm sure many are retired.
We are over fed numerous times a day. Food is good - the best part is that I don't have to cook it! I'm really enjoying the time to immerse myself in painting.