Thursday, June 5, 2014

Market scene and painting water

Susie had impressed on us the need to do the darks so that the eye is drawn to look. Thus far I've not been too successful but I've succeeded at last!

This market scene was at the Orange Grove organic markets at Lilyfield. I was attracted to this display of root veges - it was so French chic.

We then had a class on painting water which I was very eager to learn. Wettish paint can be lifted with a dry brush but some paint is always left behind. Masking fluid leaves a very defined edge which is not beautiful. But a wax crayon repels water and the mark is quite natural.

Here I have used wax crayon to define the ripples. Also see my attempt to paint wet on wet in the background. Susie has told me on no uncertain terms that I'm not to paint the tree on the right as I need to leave some part of the painting for the viewer to decipher.