Monday, May 1, 2017

View from mum's apartment

I know I haven't painted for a while but the recent sudden demise of my beloved mother did knock the stuffing out of me. There's much to grieve - not just for my mother but also saying goodbye to my childhood and my birth country.

Anyway I have finally managed to get back into painting and it is such a great excuse to meditate. I wanted to capture the view from Mum's apartment - this is what she would have seen everyday and it means much to me to have painted it.

I was not brought up in this apartment; this place was purchased much later after I had moved to Australia.
However it represents a home of some sort - a place where I would go and visit mum and enjoy some mothering myself. I believe that mum was happy living there. She was sometimes lonely but she felt secure in her unit. And it was a wonderful base for the whole extended family to gather - the grandkids enjoyed visiting Popo and using the pool.