Friday, May 6, 2011

Completed clay figurines

After what seems like an interminable wait, my clay figurines are ready and they look great! Pottery is slow work because things have to be bisque fired then underglazed and glazed before being fired again. Access to kilns not being necessarily easy to arrange and the need to group pots for an economical firing all add to the time. Add the suspense of not knowing whether a piece will survive the firing and the mystery of glazes (it's a bit of a hit and miss what will turn out).... and you understand the achievement.

The beauty of these figurines is that I finally get to model in 3D what I had previously tried to draw in 2D. It's actually very satisfying although quite a challenge. I have not had a life model just some photos or sketches that I extrapolated from.

My next challenge is to include arms and a head. I also took some raku clay home and am going to persuade my daughter to model for me (clothed of course)!