Monday, March 2, 2009

Self Portrait Homework

Pina set us homework to do. We are to do a self portrait. I was always worried about self portraits, firstly there is the temptation to draw oneself as what one wishes to look like, not reality. Secondly, since I don't really watch myself, how would I know what is a typical pose? Anyway, after much manipulation of the mirror, easel and lights, I managed to get a setting I was satisfied with. I am now working with larger pieces of paper/ canvas - after Pina tells me that I observe a lot so I ought to do larger works. Most recent works is at least A2 size. My first attempt highlighted all the shadows and flaws. My double chin was much more obvious and so are all the shadows accentuating the downward curve of the mouth. I tried to paint it as close to life as possible and be as objective as I could. Then I showed it to my family. My husband, bless him, tells me that this is not me, that I'm prettier and younger. So I just rubbed out some of the lines and tried to make my double chin less obvious. You can see that the gaze is towards the mirror. Obviously I'm drawing my reflection so anybody who is not comfortable with it will know why. I, on the other hand, am most comfortable with it :-) My husband also says that I do not always look so solemn and sad. It is true that I laugh a lot. But wouldn't it be insane to grin at yourself in the mirror whilst attempting a self-portrait? Perhaps next time I shall have to follow Eunice's suggestion of liberal amounts of wine prior to painting so that inhibitions don't get in the way!

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