Friday, October 1, 2010

First Exhibition Opening

After much preparation, Cath and I made it to the Opening Night. It was a huge social event which was well attended. Many of our friends and family turned up and the place got very busy at one stage.

Our art was exposed to the public eye and it was lovely to be congratulated and be told which paintings were favourites with friends and why. At the end of the night, I sold 4 paintings (50%) and Cath sold 2. There were numerous leads to commissions and requests for other paintings seen at our house and on this blog: "why isn't that here?". All excellent publicity and a big boost to ones self confidence as an artist: that the art was appreciated and saleable. These pictures were taken before everybody arrived - just so that I don't publish photos of others without their permission!

As well, I enjoyed catching up with friends and acquaintances - Roger and I appear to have a vast network and we don't have enough time or energy to catch up with one and all so it was a perfect opportunity to at least see people. To those who came, a big thank you for your support.
As for the analysis of what people liked: they liked the beachscapes. These evoked good times and warm weather. Just exactly what I like about Sydney and why I live here.